Unlike most others, this is not an Area Damage (AD) build, since all your damage comes from The Barber explosions which cannot proc it. With Season 28, the build gets a slight buff with Manitou dealing more than twice the damage it did previously. In Season 27, Mundunugu is a serious contender for the best Witch Doctor build due to the Sanctified Haunt. In Season 25 Witch Doctors received additional buffs to Lakumba's Ornament, making the build more tanky and thus a bit stronger again.

Yet, the setup was stronger than ever in Season 24 with Ethereals ( Arioc's Needle). Season 23 further nerfed Spirit Barrage by lowering the Gazing Demise damage multiplier. Unfortunately, Season 21 brought a significant nerf to the build by removing the ability for Phantasm to benefit from Mask of Jeram and Enforcer.

Keep in mind that this build has an exceptional scaling with monster density, which however requires a lot of Greater Rift fishing to reach the highest tiers. Luckily, you have Big Bad Voodoo Ghost Trance following you around most of the time, thanks to the Mundunugu's Regalia (2 ) Bonus, to provide valuable healing and defense! This setup is also great for speed content, competing with top tier builds in Nephalem Rifts and Bounties. The build is quite tanky due to Spirit Walk and Grave Injustice in combination. The more enemies are in the area and the longer you wait, the stronger the resulting explosions will be. While the mechanics are quite complicated, the overall idea is simple: make a pull, place three Phantasm s on the ground, wait a few seconds, and then cast three more to instantly release the accumulated damage of the previous Phantasm s. The main damaging mechanic in this build Spirit Barrage Phantasm paired with The Barber originated from the old LoD Spirit Barrage theorycrafted during Season 10. As such, it is a very potent Trash Killer, especially when paired with a proper zBarb stacking enemies tightly together, allowing you to unleash devastating damage combos, one-shotting whole Elite packs even all the way up to Greater Rift 150. It focuses around releasing huge AoE bursts with specific setup and timings.

Introduced with Season 20, the Mundunugu's Regalia is the most recent addition to the Witch Doctor's repertoire and, despite its funny name, the set itself is no joke at all.